THIS BLOG INTERACTS WITH 18+ MUNS / MUSES ONLY.this is for my own comfort because of my own age of being 24. if you interact with me without being truthful of your age, i will block you!GENERAL :
this is my main blog but activity here will mainly be via queue, unless it’s a short para / one-liner reply! i also have a part-time job photo editing for an antique shop, so during the week that’s what i’ll be focused on.
this blog interacts with mutuals only ( we both follow each other ), as i don’t interact with blogs that i don’t follow.
to help my anxiety, i generarlly will not follow back 616 dr strange blogs. if i do follow you and you’re one of those, i generally find myself comfortable seeing you on my dash / interacting with you.
if i am following you and you post excessive ooc hate/negativity, i will unfollow for my own safety. i suffer from severe depression (i am taking medication dw), and seeing vague blogging or guilt tripping or anything like that too much will set me off.
i use small text, 238 x 100 icons, i don’t use capital letters, and i use a post separator.


if i write you a starter and you do not reply to it within a week, i will take note and make sure not to write you another starter. if you let me know that you won’t be able to for a week beforehand, or have it late in the queue, that’s fine. after that, you either write me a starter or i’ll send you an ask. this is mainly just to make sure i’m not wasting my time writing for people that are just going to let it hang. if the starter isn’t at least liked in a week, it will be deleted.
i will periodically put up “like this for” posts, where stephen will interact with your muse via your askbox. i will also put up starter calls with limits, rarely.
WARNING: shipping with stephen will take many threads. he is a very complicated individual and is a divorcee that still loves his ex-wife, but if this doesn’t bother you i am open to shipping with chemistry.
please express direct interest via my IMs if you’re interested in shipping our muses, after we’ve done a few threads.NSFW :
while my muse and i are both above age, i myself find myself uncomfortable with writing a nsfw thread. while the possibility isn’t zero, i don’t feel like i would do a good enough job in writing that – so i won’t!
you can write NSFW all you like between our muses or otherwise post on dash, i just find myself having a hard time writing it
this beautiful carrd was made by plutocommissions !


hi! my name is willow, and i’m a 25 year old cisgender woman currently in a relationship.i can assure you that i'm not a very interesting person, but i like to think that i'm not an asshole either.i'm an avid gamer, which contributes to my using of the queue and only doing a few things actively on dash, but i also have a job as a photo editor.discord :
while i do have a discord, but i’m only really open to giving it out if we click in IM's, otherwise IM's are the best place to reach me.
now i don't usually hand out my discord to anyone and everyone, so please don't be offended if i either don't mention using it or prefer to use tumblr IM'S.even if i do end up adding people, i'm usually pretty bad with responding quickly.


dr. strange is incredibly self conscious of his hands, and will wear gloves whenever in public, or in the presence of another person. his scars from the car crash long ago are ever present, the constant shake consistently noticeable. they still ache with pain — he is still unable to truly use them, unless of course he deliberately wants to hurt himself. he now prefers to stay at home, and let other ( younger ) heroes deal with non-magical enemies.stephen is not good at social skills, and will often come off as either rude, or distant.DIVERGENT BITS✴stephen is 6'6" instead of the canon 6'2".

✴ stephen does not cheat on clea, regardless of where they are in the relationship, and they divorced because of how they were rarely in each other's company ( regardless, stephen is bitter about the divorce ).✴ stephen is not de-powered as a default, unless for a reason that i agree to in plotting before we create the starter.✴ my MCU verse is 616 stephen loitering in the mcu.✴ stephen's hands eternally shake, and it's especially prominent when they're inactive. he can't hold anything, open doors, or punch someone without immense pain.✴ i only really acknowledge that the emperikul are on earth, and nothing else from the new run ( he would not kiss that fucking soul eater, marvel ), and will use the emperikul as the reason to his de-powering for plots, if not discussed in further detail.


( + ) honest, thoughtful, caring, brave, patient, tolerant, intelligent, confident, focused, merciful, observant, wise, clever, charming, decisive, adaptive, calm( - ) controlling, possessive, lies, power-hungry, stubborn, sarcastic, dry humor, politically neutral, insomniac, workaholicbasicsname : stephen strangefaceclaim( s ) : david gandy, johnny deppalias( es ) : doctor strange, sorcerer supreme, master of the mystical arts, the doctoralignment : true neutral; they don’t align strongly with good or evil, nor do they with chaotic or lawful. they usually are undecided between the four sections or just gravitate right in the middleplace of birth : philadelphia, pennsylvaniadate of birth : november 18, 1930age: 1'092nationality : americaneducation : medical doctorate, extensive sorcery training through a mixture of self-education and vast arcane loreoccupation : sorcerer supreme of earth-616, adventurer, occult consultant; former physician, neurosurgeonfamily lifemarital status : divorcedknown relatives : eugene and beverly strange (parents, deceased), victor strange (brother, presumed deceased), donna strange (sister, deceased), clea (wife, divorced)attributessexuality : bisexual demiromanticheight : 6’6”weight : 180 lbseyes : right grey, left bright bluehair : black, white at temples

mcu verse

stephen mainly resided in the MCU ( Earth-199999, in his eyes ) to keep dormammu’s reign of fire from spilling into their dimension, among other things, before the sorcerer supreme of that universe finally deigned to appear. he too knew that it was no coincidence that the soul gems were being spotted all over the galaxy, and that the thanos of this world was planning on copying earth-616′s plan with potential for variation.he would be needed to revive the dead once more, stop thanos and potentially keep the gems under his watchful eye. however.. the world was never in his favor, and strange was forced to wait in the shadows for the time this world’s stephen strange would become sorcerer supreme, and do all these things in his stead.not wanting to overstep his boundaries in off throwing this world’s timeline was the main reason for his lack of action, despite the aggression he would more than likely receive for doing as such. of course he could have been able to stop tony from creating ultron– he could have even stopped loki from opening the dimensional rip and invading with an army of chitauri. but this was not his world to aid, and moral confines were thrown aside.he could not choose a side, whether to help the ‘heroes’ or the ‘villains’, he was in his world to simply relax from the stresses of his own —- and discern the difference between the two versions of one person.spoilers for no way homestephen worked hard to prevent the effects of his counterpart's memory erasure spell of peter parker spilling into his own universe, and now holds no small amount of contempt for having to do so.

dragon age VERSE

the strange family was a house relatively whispered among the imperium, something that the heads of the house —- stephen’s parents, always did not approve of.stephen had a normal upbringing, as normal as it was in tevinter, as did his siblings. it was only when his powers grew to heights previously unknown to a man his age, did everything seem to stumble down hill. rival houses took notice to his looks and power, finally deeming house strange to be neutralized before their first born became more of a problem for took many years of planning —- enough to allow stephen to grow to a tender 18 years of age, before one after another after another of his family members were taken out discretely by the antivan crows hired for the job. every assassination was carefully planned to be made out as an accident, a job well done so much so that stephen to this day does not think it was purposeful, just a string of bad luck.only when he was alone, he assumed that he was born to die, too. the logical part of his brain screamed for him to leave, find someplace else to settle, start anew —- but his heart told him to stay where his family was, use the money left for him to keep house strange running. a failed assassination attempt left him spooked, and the young man sold everything he owned and fled, hiring a ship stopping in kirkwall to hire yet another to take him to fereldan.fereldan was the perfect place for him, in comparison to the imperium, but the borders were entirely unforgiving for a man from the tevinter imperium —- a mage, no less, one that absolutely could not be anything but an evil slaving blood mage. after nearly a week of trying to be reconsidered for entry stephen gave up trying to enter legitimately, ultimately spending the majority of his dwindling coin to be smuggled in by professionals.years later he was deep in hiding, practicing magic without a wand after them having been crushed during donna’s downward spiral. he keep getting stronger —- and that attracted a spirit of wisdom, finding a host in the young man that was desperate for power, and more so, company after having been alone for far too long. in these years stephen studied and learned the fereldan way of life —- the accent, the body language, the likes and dislikes of the different territories.. in doing so, he spent all the time he could, erasing the man that he used to be to start anew in this cold country.he fell in love and married clea for a time ; officially getting fereldan citizenship in doing so. they never stayed in one set place, always being nomads to explore fereldan and was a long trek back to the hinterlands with a broken heart and a heavy conscience, though he would remain in redcliff as a healer for over ten years —- finally finding some sense of home, for the first time in what felt like an eternity. he assumed he would never leave the village, though his assumptions were proved wrong when the inquisition was formed.soon the Inquisitor ( and apparent herald of andraste ) would arrive, recruiting him as a magics adviser.

witcher VERSE

it exists. i will write it out but tl;dr stephen is a sUPER old and reclusive sorcerer.or the alternative:616 in the witcher. ez clap

616 - main verse

this is the verse compliant with 616 canon, with a few tweaks here and there. stephen is not dead, was never doom’s judge, and instead is hiding out in the sanctum sanctorum.dr. strange is incredibly self conscious of his hands, and will wear gloves whenever in public, or in the presence of another person. his scars from the car crash long ago are ever present, the constant shake consistently noticeable. they still ache with pain —- he is still unable to truly use them, unless of course he deliberately wants to hurt himself. he now prefers to stay at home, and let other ( younger ) heroes deal with non-magical enemies.stephen is not good at social skills, and will often come off as either rude, or distant.he is demiromantic, and will only have a male partner if it’s after a long while of threaded out seduction, by someone whom stephen doesn’t dislike, as well as with heavy encouragement from his potential partner. he prefers to remain single, so don’t expect it to be easy to get him into a relationship. ever since his estrangement / divorce ( abandonment ) with clea, he began to be wary of the concept of a mutually appreciative relationship.

crit. role / d&d VERSE

stephen strange,  a man both renowned and unknown,  depending on who it was questioned.  he was the world's most powerful sorcerer,  and the world's most complex enigma.  little is known about his early life,  only that he is the sole survivor of his name.  but he's always had an innate ability towards the arcane,  after he found himself alone did he take the time to learn more about this mysterious power.he is much older than he appears,  his search for knowledge taking him to the fey wild  ——  time on exandria crawling while he spend CENTURIES learning his craft under the ancient one until there was nothing left for him to pursue.  so he returned to tal'dorei,  finding his home realm a few years forward past..  as well as the sanctum sanctorum,  waiting for his approach.and so as the sorcerer supreme stephen traveled with the ever-moving sanctum,  doing what he can to help those that need it at the behest of wong.  how easy it would be for him to remain unknown,  but the world would be lesser for it.  when one was at the end of their rope,  only then would stephen reach out his hand in assistance.but he was never one to be found,  when he simply was not needed.  often times people searched for the sanctum and it's sorcerer for petty things,  but those that did not need him never found him.  only those did he find interesting,  or powerful enough to see through a carefully crafted illusion,  could find him unprompted.


during the incursions, the illuminati was unsuccessful at preventing the destruction of earth-616.stephen was left to watch his friends and home be destroyed by crashing into another universe, while he could do naught but sit helpless. strange felt as if the only reason he was there, was the watch it happen befor his own eyes —- a reminder, that what he did was not enough. with the sanctum’s entrance destroyed and wong likely trapped within ( or so he hoped ), stephen set out for the hospitality of his former collegue dr. fate.after saying his part and promising a favor, he was allowed sanctuary in the magic user’s tower for a short while. for now he was to find a way to open the sanctum’s doors to him once more, and until then his new world would contain no avengers or defenders or even the fantastic four—— instead, there was the justice league, and heroes he’s never heard of before. dr. fate would be his guide, though if other heroes were to need his help.. well, that was a question for another day.

pre-magic VERSE

stephen earned his medical degree in record time and entered a five-year residency at new york hospital, where his rapid success made him arrogant. stephen’s mother beverly died near the end of his residency, and work became more and more impersonal for the bereaved surgeon. strange’s talent remained, however, and he became a wealthy and celebrated neurosurgeon before he turned thirty.egotistical and greedy, cold and callous, strange’s interest in his patients generally began and ended at his bill. the exception was madeleine revell, an injured united nations translator whom he saved and fell in love with. following a whirlwind romance and proposal, she left him due to his increasingly materialistic nature. two years after his mother’s death, strange’s father, eugene also fell ill.already crippled by grief over his mother’s death ( though he would never admit it ), stephen was unable to face any more tragedy, and refused to visit eugene’s deathbed.

lotr VERSE

as the pieces of the world continued to fall apart beneath the influence of sauron and his desperation to carry out melkor’s will, it becomes increasingly clear to the valar that there must be someone who can intervene and guide the free peoples of middle earth from both corruption and was then in this thought that they picked through their most loyal maiar and bid them to mortal bodies – a necessary process to conceal their great power and prevent them from falling prey to a desire for domination. they were tasked only with assistance, it was their sworn duty, and they were meant to obey.of them were six, those who were thought to be infallible in their dedication to both the children of illuvatar, and the valar who governed them, and among them was stephen the red, noted most for his headfirst dive into the fray. while the others had gone their separate ways ( not entirely up to plan ), stephen had chosen to face sauron – to abolish his rule before it began – but was, much to his surprise, beaten. this event, however, was not a matter of outmatched power, but that their engagement was interfered with by the son of melkor, as he was called; aicanar.those who dwelt in the first and second ages knew well the deeds of aicanar, and like sauron, he had survived after the chaining of melkor. his purpose remained a mystery to many, but it was noted that he had always shown a competitive spirit when it came to sauron.seeing the two interlocked in battle, he found himself drawn to stephen, whether by length of power or some other unknown force, and as a result made the decision to intervene and take him for himself. not long after the kidnapping of the maia did aicanar then decide to imprint upon him, and left a scar upon his back, ( in part ) to warn all foes, especially sauron, that stephen belonged to him. for some time the istarin was held in captivity, but eventually escaped during the eve of one particular night his gracious host was away.what stephen does now remains a mystery to most, for he is absent from the white council and is rarely seen upon the lands. it’s theorized that he may still be keeping to the duty that brought him upon earth, but others argue he moves constantly to stay two steps ahead the foul beast aicanar, whilst also striving to bring sauron down as he has always wanted.


a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a lion dressed as a mouse. he was the distant cousin of the late ned stark, the one remaining stark within the reachable grasp of the lannisters. he was the master of politics, a man with as much power physically, as he did mentally. every assassin sent to off him turned up dead; every mercenary disappearing.a member of house stark, in the middle of king’s landing. everything surrounding him was shrouded in a cloud of death, including the fate of his family.he did what little he could do to aid jon and sansa, as it was unknown to even him that arya was alive. he did what he could to stop the rights of winterfell to befall anyone other than sansa, but he was fighting valiantly against a losing war.he knew his house was falling, but he’d do whatever it took to stop that. nothing was outside of the realm of possibility --- he made a promise to ned and caitlyn, that as the godfather to the stark children, he would give his life and soul in effort to keep winterfell from king’s landing he operated mainly within the castle; having previously been a tentative ally of oberyn martell. given the amount of times assassins were sent against him he was impossible to kill --- a thorn in the side of the lannisters, though a thorn that was not easily removed.this did not mean he would not ally with them, anything but, the opportunity simply.. has not arisen, and it was unlikely to do so.

sorcerer supreme : during his reign of being the sorcerer supreme, doctor strange is considered the strongest mystic in the universe.
magical and mystical manipulation : dr. strange can manipulate and control magical and mystical forces.divine power : dr. strange can call upon mystical beings in multiple dimensions to empower his spells. the most called one is the vishanti. using the eye of agamotto, he can use this to reveal the identity of a being. he can call upon other mystical beings such as faltine through the flames of faltine.time manipulationtelekinesisastral projection : dr. strange can project him astrally. he can stay for 24 hours without food, drinks or any sleep.protective shields : using the being seraphim, dr. strange can shield himself or his allies.the words : doctor strange has become an expert in the black priests’s ability to use language to distort reality, becoming even more capable than the black priests themselves in a short amount of time. each “word” is a symbol which means “something.” the addition of another symbol can change the meaning of that “something.” doctor strange stated this method to be akin to replacement cipher. this way, he can distort the reality in different ways, depending how many symbols are said and in which order.some of the features achieved by the use of words include:energy blasts
organic disintegration
at a certain period, dr. strange became a receptacle of earth’s gaia magic through the use of a forge built with the support of all his magical artifacts. this energy was exhausted in the war of seven spheres, which lasted 5'000 years.for a brief period, research from the vishanti library led strange to tap into “catastrophe magic” by invoking a mystical alignment of all the planets, but this source of magic was limited and he ceased using it specifically as a source of his power.strange’s magical powers at their greatest peak exceeds that of even the watcher uatu and rivals that of other great beings, such as galactus or celestials.

as a result of his mystic training, stephen is capable of a great many abilities, stemming from the innate resources of his body / mind / soul, such as :
astral projection : doctor strange can release his astral form from his body, instantaneously and at will. in this form he does not need to breathe, eat, drink or sleep, is unrestricted by physical laws ( for example, strange has flown beyond earth’s atmosphere, defying gravity with ease to speak with iron man ), is invisible ( though can be seen by any if he wished it so ), intangible, and incapable of being harmed by all but the most powerful and rigorous of mystic means. as physical laws are meaningless on the astral plane, strange is able to use it to traverse at virtually any speed desirable ( strange has reached saint missouri, missouri from his sanctum sanctorum in greenwich village, new york in “a few brief seconds” thus, as well as traveling at the “speed of thought” through outer space. )telepathyhypnotismillusionsuniversal awareness : by performing mediation dr. strange has sensed anomalies in time and space allowing him to protect against time travelers, extra dimensional invaders ( example: dormammu, nightmare ), space aliens, ect.non-magic based skills.
former expert surgeon / surgical consultant : strange holds an M.D. in neurosurgery, although his ability to perform such delicate tasks has been compromised due to his nerve-damaged hands, preventing him from performing surgery except when supplemented by magic. however, even without magic, strange has shown himself capable of providing reasonable guidance to other less skilled, yet unmaimed surgeons through intense effort and strain. strange is still capable of serving as a consultant.
expert occultist / expert magical knowledge : during his studies which continued until recently dr. strange has gain expert awareness on cults and the extra dimensional entities they worship, this knowledge as of yet far exceeds any on earth in the marvel strategist : though stephen seems to suffers from an impulsive nature, instinctively jumping into situations of life-or-death, it’s apparent that he works best this way possessing considerable strategic skills, which has been employed in leadership structures, and spontaneous situations, all of which is a necessity in the random environment of mysticism.skilled martial artist : dr. strange is a skilled athlete and was trained in the martial arts used by tibetan monks in kamar taj, proving sufficiently talented to pass down such training to others, such as clea. these talents have assisted him from time-to-time when incapable of using his sorcery.strange is a formidable opponent to any skilled attacker and continues to train regularly with wong. he has in some cases, been known to occasionally spar with other heroes; in one case, strange was able to evade a kung fu hand-chop by mantis ( the future mother of the dreaming celestial ) “only three others have ever done” and who has been able to subdue thor in sheer physical combat, despite his strength nearly hundreds of times superior to her own.

magic : dr. strange is the sorcerer supreme of earth; he possesses vast mastery of the mystic arts, which he uses to defend his reality from otherworldly threats; his primary magical patrons are a group of entities known as “the vishanti.” the vishanti are a trinity of godly beings comprised of agamotto, hoggoth, and oshtur. although he has, on rare occasions, called upon the power of demons such as dormammu; strange more frequently did so before he realized dormammu’s true dark nature in the earlier issues.
he has once stated that he can kill a mortal with the mere twitch of a finger.intangibility : the ability of invisibility or near-invisibility and phasing through solid material.banishment : dr. strange has banished many types of creatures and humans to other dimensions but the extent of this is only possible as long as the ‘banish-ers’ magic is greater then that of the ‘banish-ees’ magic during the banishment.transmutationtelekinesisflight : doctor strange can fly using magical energy but has since abandoned it, choosing to rely on the cape of levitation instead.teleportationprotective shieldstime manipulation : strange has frozen, slowed, and traveled through time. this magic is enacted only through extreme concentration.dimensional travelconjuring of objectsvarious other spells : these spells seem to be quicker to perform but lesser in power than spells using divine energy. strange has used his magics altogether to alter his clothing through something akin to minor molecular control, control and manipulate elements, etc.dr. strange has also been shown to amass as much wealth / gold as he desires using magic, as he has done to pay debts he owed.

divine magicks.
divine sources : dr. strange can channel the extra-dimensional energy of mystical and non-mystical beings in multiple dimensions ( known as principalities ) to empower his spells. this can take the form of standard spells ( “crimson bands of cyttorak” ) or just stating what he wants to occur and channeling some being to make it happen. it is unknown at this time what debt, if any, he incurs by invoking the powers that be. there is no strict quid pro quo ( as the simple acknowledgement and invoking of the entity increases the entity’s own powers, inexplicably ), though some entities will feel he is obliged to heed their call when they need help in their conflicts as did the vishanti.
this ability to be a conduit to multiversal power sources has given rise to the phrase “dr. strange is as powerful as the god he invokes.”doctor strange’s powers typically come from one of three divine sources: the vishanti ( a trinity formed of hoggoth, oshtur, and agamotto ), the octessence ( a group of eight beings, consisting of balthakk, cyttorak, farallah, ikonn, krakkan, raggadorr, valtorr, and watoomb ) and other beings who owe him a debt ( this includes satannish and even dormammu ). however, certain abilities of his stem from more obscure sources, such as the faltine, the seraphim, cinnibus, sheol, ikthalon, denak, cyndriarr, munnopor, morpheus, dyzakk, the olympian deities ( such as poseidon and hades ) and others.dark magicks.
darkness of the divine conduit ( black magic ) : by sheer force of will “take” the power of another entity. this does not require the use of a spell. he used this ability against arioch and shuma-gorath. the fact that stephen can do this is a testament to his incredible will-power and strength of mind. this is considered black magic and as such he rarely employs this. also when taking the powers of celestial entities he absorbs the mind and assumes their duties and roles in the dimension in which they exist. if his will falters, he can lose all sense of self.
although dr. strange primarily uses spells that are considered ‘white magic’, he will use spells from other disciplines such as black magic, elemental magic, and catastrophe magic when necessary.dr. strange’s powers are all mystical but take several forms. main manifestations include:by force of will, dr. strange can “take” the power of another entity. this does not require the use of a spell. he uses this ability against captain universe as well as against arioch and shuma-gorath in strange tales ( vol. 2 ). strange also uses this to drain the wrecking crew of the asgardian magic they had been infused by karnilla, though this causes him great mental agony and takes a long time. this is considered black magic and as such, he rarely employs this. also, when taking the powers of entities, he can absorb their mind and assume their duties and roles in the dimension in which they exist. but, if his will falters, he can lose all sense of the black magic saga in strange tales ( vol. 2 ), dr. strange also became proficient in black magic under the tutelage of kaluu, including using the necromantic energy released in death for various effects. after he purged shuma-gorath from himself, he has since stopped using black magic.psychic abilities.
infinite longevity / fearlessness : dr. strange’s lifespan has been extended and his fear of dying subsided in a manner similar to that of his mentor the ancient one, due to a successful contest against death. though he can still be killed and even physically wounded he cannot succumb to any medical diseases, nor does he age. however, he still requires food, water, oxygen, and sleep, same as a normal human. doc passed a test by the ancient one and defeated death, or more accurately, accepted death. as a result, from that moment forward, doc stopped aging. “death may come only from without, in battle– and not from within.” the ancient one had once passed the same test himself, and lived 600 years. from that moment forward, a glowing ankh appears on doc’s forehead when he is in a situation of great danger and his death is imminent, “when doc most needs a reaffirmation of life.“
he appears to have modest psychic abilities which do not depend on magic. these abilities can be amplified by mystic energy ( as against moondragon ) and/or the ee of agamotto ( done countless times ) to afford stephen incredibly powerful psychic abilities.

strength level.
normal human male with intensive regular exercise.
science-based Weakness : it has been said strange’s power is weaker against strictly science-based opponents.
incantations and gestures dependency : strange also depends on spoken incantations, mystical gesturing, and his arcane artifacts in his duties; likely these can be counted as weaknesses. strange has been incapacitated various times by being gagged and bound, preventing him from uttering arcane invocations or performing mystic gestures.human factor : another weakness is that strange, despite all his spells and magical training, is only human physically. hence, if not taking proper care or defenses, strange can be overpowered by mere blows, energy attacks, or gas. while technically immortal per se, he still must eat, sleep and breathe in order to survive.astro-limits : such is the skill and mastery of doctor strange that he is capable of spending up to 24 hours upon the astral plane before he must rejoin his ethereal form with his physical one, lest succumb to corporeal deterioration leading to bodily death and eternal suspension as a spirit. the physical form remains in an inert, death-like trance, vulnerable to both physical and magical forms of harm while the astral form is absent. if harm were to befall his physical form while he was in his astral form, he would be stranded in his wraith-like state.though strange has only his personal abilities in his astral form, the ring of the ancient one / ring ( of full power ) can grant him access to the same resources he possesses in his physical body; however, certain writers and editors appear to have portrayed strange in an astral form capable of feats beyond his personal abilities even without the ring. by authorexclusive by authorexclusive by authorexclusive by authormain by authormain by authormain

stephen and sexuality is a very complicated matter, because of the man he is now in comparison to the man he was pre-accident. pre-accident he was pretty much a sex addict, though only found bed partners in the company with women. it’s likely that he’s at least experimented with men at this stage in his life, because stephen was never known to be a man that didn’t do something that made him curious.
needless to say him sleeping with another man was originally nothing but an experiment, and after the one time he did so he never found the need to do it again. of course this all changes when he gains magic post-accident, but for a long while he never thought too much into his sexuality because of him being married to clea. this being said, he still doesn’t know shit about his sexuality other than the fact that he likes women, and doesn’t mind men.basically; he’s bisexual with a strong preference towards women. relationships with men have to be with extreme chemistry, because otherwise stephen will simply not reciprocate the attraction other than simple sex. relationships are much more complicated to stephen given his divorce, but we’re going to skid that aside for another meta because this is about sexuality and i’m not going to blow this up more than i already have.

there’s also the fact that he’s demiromantic, which basically means that he won’t go into a relationship with someone else ( no matter their gender ), unless he has a strong emotional bond with them. he waited a long time before even marrying clea ( whom he loved for a while before marrying her ), simply because he wanted to be sure that she loved him as well, and it was more than simple sexual attraction.the only comfort he really finds with men is sexual, and he has to be convinced to see it as something other than a mutually beneficial friends with benefits situation.mostly he sees women in a sexual light, finding them attractive and what not as any other straight man would. he sees men in a different light, not seeing the sexual attraction but he is able to identify if that man is attractive. because of him being with only women for literal thousands of years, he can’t be the one to make the first move, because he simply won’t do it.there’s also the fact that stephen is an old fucking man that’s so oblivious it hurts, because he won’t really know whether or not a person will be flirting with him as opposed to just being nice, unless it’s spelled out that they’re interested in sleeping with him.

the cloak of levitation.
decidedly not as animated in 616 as it is in mcu. it.. doesn’t really communicate, not really. it’s mildly sentient to where it can change it’s form — and it’s hella ragged after being destroyed by the empirikul, and restored by loki with asgardian thread.
this is the second time it’s been restored from being torn to shreds, so you can visibly see the wear and tear.

mortality is a delicate subject for stephen, and something a lot of people often overlook about him without even meaning to. he looks human, he is human, so why is mortality something so integral ? very early on in his foray into magicks he was all but forced to participate in the WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES, of which i'll elaborate a little on before we get into the nitty gritty of mortality.
before the war began, stephen was approached by many powers at once, all claiming that it was a debt being collected from their previous assisting him on several occasions. at first he was amendable, but then he learned that the conflict would last FIVE THOUSAND YEARS. with this, he at first declined to participate because earth couldn't be without a sorcerer supreme for so long. naturally this angered the gods that wanted him as their champion, ensuing an argument over who had the right to draft stephen regardless of his further remove himself from being forced into the war stephen invoked the EMANCIPATION LAW, which then enabled him to renounce the gods' claim upon his servitude, while also making him unable to call upon any of the gods' powers and principalities. because of this, stephen relinquished the mantle of sorcerer supreme, unable to uphold his duty.eventually, stephen did have to end up participating in the war regardless, as a champion of THE VISHANTI.stephen ended up fighting in the war for ONE THOUSAND YEARS, yet physically only aging a year and being absent from earth for a total of four months after he left.

so ! now that we know about the war of the seven spheres, let's really get into another aspect of stephen's mortality. you know that ankh that rarely appears where his third eye would be, were it open ? let's learn about that as well, since i'm on a bit of a brain-rot roll.stephen's LIFESPAN HAS BEEN EXTENDED and his fear of dying subsided, due to a successful contest of wills against death herself. this being said he can still be killed or wounded, but he can't succumb to any medical diseases, nor does he age. he still requires food, water, oxygen and sleep like a normal human, but in most cases the only thing that can kill him is a physical wound.more on the test of wills against death ( something he was pushed to do by the ancient one ) is that he did not defeat death, he merely ACCEPTED IT. and because of this, like mentioned before, he stopped aging."DEATH may come only from without, in battle—— and not from within."the ancient one also passed the same test and lived to be 600 years old, and with this information in mind it is accurate to say that stephen has 400 more years of experience of being sorcerer supreme than his former mentor. now because of his inability to age, a glowing ankh appears upon stephen's forehead when he is in a situation of great danger and his death is IMMINENT.

he doesn’t always show obvious discomfort about being in/having to get into a car, and i’m sure it’s not that bit that bothers him to the point of having a mini freak out. it’s 100% likely that in the events of the car going out of control or being hit, stephen will go into a mini panic attack about being in yet another car crash.
“ oh, god. not.. not again.. ”his first car crash was when he destroyed his hand, and without a doubt he’s probably thinking that if anything happens to him in a car again, his hands will either be worsened, or some other part of his body will be crippled. this in itself is understandable, as from his point of view that night in the accident was enough to say that should have killed him.what didn’t kill him did not make him stronger, and instead made him a shell of the man he had potential to become.instead of naturally progressing and learning with age to know that he dun fucked up by being a total douchebag, he was forced waaay too early into becoming him. because of this he’s likely to never be as happy as he could be, purely because on that day it’s entirely possible that he lost a part of himself. very literally that car crash scared him to death, to the point where a happier part of him left his soul.